Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Speech-Language Therapy for children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech in Ethiopia

Support for Childhood Apraxia of Speech


“It is more common than you can imagine. You are not alone. And while you will have this the rest of your life, you can dart between the raindrops to get where you want to go, and it will not hold you back.” - Steven Spielberg, award-winning director:

At Fana-Ethiopia, we provide a supportive environment for children with apraxia of speech. Our resources emphasize motor planning and speech production to enhance communication skills.


Understanding Childhood Apraxia of Speech


Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder where children have difficulty planning and coordinating the movements needed for speech. It is not due to muscle weakness or paralysis but affects the precision and consistency of speech production.




The exact causes of CAS are unknown, but it may be related to neurological differences that affect motor planning and execution of speech movements.


Early Signs and Symptoms


Signs of childhood apraxia of speech may include:


  • Inconsistent speech sound errors
  • Difficulty imitating speech sounds
  • Problems with transitioning between sounds and syllables
  • Limited speech intelligibility


Tests and Treatment


Diagnosing CAS involves assessments by speech-language pathologists.

Treatment may include:


  • Intensive speech therapy focused on motor planning and speech production
  • Multisensory approaches to improve speech clarity
  • Family involvement in practicing speech exercises at home


How Fana-Ethiopia Can Help



We offer expert speech therapists and specialized resources to support children with apraxia of speech. Our programs emphasize motor planning and speech production to enhance communication skills and promote confidence. Contact us to learn more about our services for children with apraxia of speech.