Dyslexia Support

Understanding Dyslexia: Causes, Symptoms, and Support at FANA Center Ethiopia

Discover comprehensive insights into dyslexia, including its causes, early signs, and symptoms across all ages. Learn how FANA Center for Learning Differences and Speech-Language Therapy provides personalized interventions and support for individuals with dyslexia to enhance academic success and promote independence. Contact us to explore our specialized educational and therapeutic services.

"Dyslexia is an ocean of strengths in a drop of challenges." - Fernette Eide


What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is characterized by difficulties in accurate and fluent word recognition, poor spelling, and decoding skills. These challenges stem from deficits in the phonological component of reading—the ability to process the sounds of language. Dyslexia varies in severity and affects reading, writing, math, and other skills. It is not related to low intelligence, vision problems, or letter reversals but is linked to differences in brain areas that manage language and speech.



The causes of dyslexia are believed to be primarily genetic, influencing the development of brain regions crucial for reading, writing, and language processing. Other factors that may contribute include premature birth, low birth weight, and exposure to drugs or alcohol during pregnancy. While specific causes are not fully understood, ongoing research focuses on genetic factors.


Early Signs and Symptoms

Early signs and symptoms of dyslexia include:


  • Difficulty decoding words
  • Challenges with learning sound-letter associations (phonics)
  • Poor spelling abilities
  • Speech impairments or difficulties in oral language
  • Symptoms often identified by teachers during early reading instruction
  • Dyslexia varies in severity and may remain unrecognized
  • Untreated dyslexia can impact lifelong learning and comprehension


Signs and Symptoms in school-age

Signs and symptoms of dyslexia in school-aged children include:


  • Difficulty decoding words and recognizing sight words
  • Challenges in learning sound-letter associations (phonics)
  • Poor spelling skills despite adequate effort
  • Speech impairments or difficulties in oral language expression
  • Symptoms often first noticed by teachers during early reading instruction
  • Dyslexia can vary in severity and may go unrecognized, impacting learning and comprehension across subjects


Signs and Symptoms in older ages

Signs and implications of dyslexia in teens and adults include:


  • Difficulty decoding words and recognizing sight words
  • Challenges with phonics and sound-letter associations persisting into adulthood
  • Persistent difficulties with spelling, despite efforts to improve
  • Speech impairments or challenges with verbal expression may continue
  • Symptoms may have been noticed by educators or peers during schooling
  • Dyslexia can vary in severity and may have gone undiagnosed in earlier years
  • DUntreated dyslexia can affect academic and professional success, as well as overall comprehension


Tests and Treatment

Diagnosing dyslexia requires evaluation by trained professionals. Early identification and appropriate instruction help improve literacy performance and mitigate long-term effects. Structured literacy and explicit teaching methods are essential for improving outcomes in children with dyslexia.


How FANA Can Help

FANA Center for Learning Differences and Speech-Language Therapy specializes in supporting students with learning differences to promote independence and academic success through personalized interventions. We offer comprehensive support services specifically designed to effectively address dyslexia and related challenges. For those interested in learning more or seeking assistance, reach out to us to discover how our expertise can benefit individuals seeking specialized educational and therapeutic support.


ዲስሌክሲያ ምንድን ነው?


ዲስሌክስያ በዋናናነት ቋንቋን መሠረት ያደረገ እና ከማንባብ እና መጻፍ ጋር የተያያዘ ዕክል ነው፡፡ ዲስሌክስያ ከሚገልጽባቸው ተግዳሮቶች መካከል ፊደላትን (በተለይ ተመሳሳይ ፊደላትንለመለየት መቸገር፥ ቃላትን፥ ዐረፍተ-ነሮችን፥ አንቀጾችን፥ ምንባቦችን፥ በትክክል እና በፍጥነት ለማንበብ መቸገር፥ አንብቦ መረዳት መቸገር፥ ሲፅፉ ፊደላትን መግደፍ ወይም ትክክል ያልሆኑ ፊደላትን መጠቀም፣ ሳይሳሳቱ በፍጥነት ፊደላትን እና ቃላትን አዋቅሮ ለመጻፍ መቸገር፣ እንዲሁም አንዳንድ ቃላትን ጥርት አድርጐ መናገር መቸገር ወዘተ። በእነዚህ እና መሰል ተግዳሮቶች ምክንያት ዲስሌክስያ ያላቸው ልጆች (አዋቂዎችም ጭምርእንደሚፈለገው ጽሑፍ ማንበብ እና አንብቦ መረዳት ስለሚቸገሩ፤ ይህም የትምህርታቸውን እና የስራቸውን ውጤት ዝቅተኛ ያደርገዋል፡፡ በተጨማሪም ዲስሌክስያ (አይንበትእድሜ-ልክ ሊታይ ቢችልም ተፅእኖው ግን ከጊዜ ወደ ጊዜ ሊለያይ ይችላል። የንባብ ዕክል በየትኛውም ዕድሜ ላይ ባሉ ሰዎች ላይ የሚታይ ቢሆንም፥ ይህ መጻፍ በዋናነት ልጆች ላይ የበለጠ ያተኩራል። ለመሆኑ ዲስሌክስያ ምንድን ነው?




የዲስሌክስያ መንስዔ እስካሁን በውል አይታወቅም።  ነገር ግን በስፋት የሚጠቀሰው መንስኤ በዘር ከቤተሰብ የሚወረስ እንደሆነ ነው። ይህም ዲስሌክስያ ያላቸው ሰዎች ላይ ለሚስተዋለው የአንጎል ይዘት እና ስራ ልዩነቶች እንደምክንያት ይጠቀሳል፡፡ ማለትም ዲስሌክስያ ያላቸው ልጆች (ሰዎችንባብን፣ መጻፍ እና በስፋት ከቋንቋ ጋር የተገናኙ ሌሎች አዕምሯዊ ክህሎቶችን የሚያስችሉ የአንጎል ክልሎች እና የሚሰሩበት ሁኔታ ዲስሌክስያ ከሌላቸው ልጆች (ሰዎችልዩነት አለው ማለት ነው። ይህ ልዩነት እንጂ በሽታ አይደለም። በርግጥ ለዲስሌክስያ ምክንያት ወይም አባባሽ ተብለው በተደጋጋሚ በጥናቶች ላይ የሚጠቀሱ ሌሎች መንስዕዎችም አሉ። እነዚህም ያለጊዜው መወለድ፣ ዝቅተኛ ክብደት ይዞ መወለድ፥ በእርግዝና ወቅት ለአደንዛዥ ዕፅ፥ ለጎጂ ኬሚካሎች ወይም ለአልኮል መጋለጥን ያካትታሉ። ቁርጥ ያሉ መንስዕዎቹ ለመለየት ቀጣይነት ምርምሮች ቀጥለዋል።


በመጀመሪያዎቹ የቅድመ-ልጅነት ዕድሜዎች ውስጥ (እስከ 3 ዓመት ባሉ ልጆች ላይ በስፋት የሚታዩ የዲስሌክስያ ጠቋሚ ምልክቶች፦

    • አፍ ለመፍታት መዘግየት፥
    • ፍላጎትን ለመግለጽ መቸገር፥
    • ቀላል የአቅጣጫ ጥቆማን መረዳት መቸገር፥
    • ግራ እና ቀኝን ማምታታት፥
    •  ፊደል ለመቁጠር መቸገር፥
    • የመዝሙር ቃላትን (ግጥሞችንለመልመድ መቸገር፥
    • ቤት የሚመቱ ስንኞችን፥ መዝሙሮችን ለመልመድ መቸገር፥
    • ፊደላትን እና ቁጥሮችን በተለይም ተመሳሳይ ፊደላትን እና ቁጥሮችን ለመለየት መቸገር፤ ለምሳሌ፦  እና ቡ፣  እና ቦ፣  እና ጠ፥  እና መ፥ b እና dእና q w እና m 2 እና 5 6 እና 9 ወዘተ)
    • ፊደላትን በፍጥነት ለመጥራት መቸገር፣


 3 እስከ 5 ዓመት ባሉ ልጆች ላይ በስፋት የሚታዩ የዲስሌክስያ ጠቋሚ ምልክቶች፦

በቅድመ-ልጅነት ጊዜ የሚታዩ የዲስሌክስያ ጠቋሚ ሊሆኑ የሚችሉ ምልክቶች የሚከተሉትን ያካትታሉ፦

    • አፍ ለመፍታት መዘግየት፥
    • ቀላል የአቅጣጫ ጥቆማን መረዳት መቸገር፥
    •  የተባሉትን ወዲያው ለማስታወስ መቸገር፥
    • ቅደም-ተከተል ያላቸውን ትዕዛዞችን መከተል እና መረዳት መቸገር፥
    • ብዙ ቃላትን በቅጡ ማለት መቸገር፥
    •  ንግራቸው ያልጠራ እና ለማያውቃቸው ሰው ለረዳት የሚያስቸግር፥
    • በእለት-ተ-ዕለት የሚጠቀሙበትን እና በጣም የሚያውቋቸውን ቃላትን ለማስታወስ መቸገር፥
    •  በተመሳሳይ ድምጾች የሚጀምሩ ወይም የሚጨርሱ ቃላትን አለመለየት፥
    • በቃላት ውስጥ ያሉን ድምጾችን መነጣጠል (cat = /k-a-t/) ወይም ንጥልጥል ድምጾችን አዋህደው ቃላትን ለመመስረት መቸገር (k-a-t = cat)፥
    • የፊደል ገበታን (ፊድላትን)፥ ቁጥሮችን፥ የሳምንቱ ቀናትን፥ መሰረታዊ የቀለም ዓይነቶችን፥ ቅርጾችን መለየት መቸገር እና የራሳቸውን ስም መጻፍ አለመልመድ፥
    • ፊደላትን እና ቁጥሮችን በተለይም ተመሳሳይ ፊደላትን እና ቁጥሮችን ለመለየት መቸገር፤ ለምሳሌ፦ ብ እና ቡ፣ ባ እና ቦ፣ ሠ እና ጠ፥ ወ እና መ፥ b እና d፥p እና q፥ w እና m፥ 2 እና 5፥ 6 እና 9 ወዘተ)፥
    • ተረቶችን ወይም አጫጭር ታሪኮችን በትክክለኛው ቅደም-ተከተል መናገር ወይም ደግመው መናገር መቸገር፥
    • ጣቶቻቸው ለመጠንከር እና ለመሰልጠን ዘግየት፥ወዘተ


 6 እስከ 9 ዓመት ባሉ ልጆች ላይ በስፋት የሚታዩ የዲስሌክስያ ጠቋሚ ምልክቶች፦

ከአጸደ-ሕጻናት ተማሪዎች እስከ 4 ክፍል ባሉ ልጆች የሚታዩ የዲስሌክስያ ጠቋሚ ሊሆኑ የሚችሉ ምልክቶች የሚከተሉት ያካትታሉ፦

    • ፊደላት የንግግር ድምጸችን እንደሚወክሉ፥ ማለትም የድምጽ እና የፊደል ግሉኝነትን፥ ለመረዳት መቸገር፥
    • ፊደላትን እና ቁጥሮችን በተለይም ተመሳሳይ ፊደላትን እና ቁጥሮችን ለመለየት መቸገር፤ ለምሳሌ፦ ብ እና ቡ፣ ባ እና ቦ፣ ሠ እና ጠ፥ ወ እና መ፥ b እና d፥p እና q፥ w እና m፥ 2 እና 5፥ 6 እና 9 ወዘተ)፥
    • የብዜት ሰንጠረዥን መረዳት መቸገር፥
    • ቃላትን ለማንበብ መቸገር፥
    • ቃላትን በትክክለኛ የፊደል ቅደም-ተከተል (Spelling) ለመጻፍ መቸገር፥
    • የቃላቶችን ፊደላት አዟዙሮ ማንበብ/መጻፍ ወይም ቃላትን በሌላ ተዛማጅ ቃላት ተክቶ ማንበብ/መጻፍ፤ ለምሳሌ፦ ብርድ ~ ብድር"፥ ፣ ብርጭቆ ~ ብጭርቆ፤ እርሳስ ~ እስራስ፥ felt ~ left፥ house ~ home፥ ወዘተ፥
    •  ጮክ ብለው ሲያነቡ ያልተጻፈ ነገር በግምት ማንበብ፣
    • ዕድሜያቸው ከፍ ካለ በኋላም ያለስህተት በፍጥነት ማንበብ መቸገር፣
    • አንብቦ ለመረዳት መቸገር፥
    • መሰረታዊ የስሌት ምልክቶችን (+ – x ÷ =) አለመለየት (ማደበላለቅ)፥
    • ክስተቶችን እና ኩነቶች ለመስታወስ መቸገር፥
    • ማቀድ፤ ጊዜን፥ ስራን እና ቁሳቁሶችን አስተካክሎ መቆጣጠር እና መምራት መቸገር፥ወዘተ፥


 10 እስከ 13 ዓመት ባሉ ልጆች ላይ በስፋት የሚታዩ የዲስሌክስያ ጠቋሚ ምልክቶች፦

በዚህ ዕድሜ እርከን ውስጥ የሚገኙ ልጆች 5 እስከ 8 ክፍል ተማሪዎች ይሆናሉ ተብለው ይገመታል። በእዚህ እድሜ እና የትምህርት ደረጃ ላይ ባሉ ልጆች የሚታዩ የዲስሌክስያ ምልክቶች የሚከተሉትን ያካትታሉ፦ 

    • ከእድሜ እና ከክፍል ደረጃ አንጻር ዝቅተኛ የሆነ የንባብ ክህሎት፥
    • የቃላትን የፊደላት ቅደም-ተከተልን ማዛባት፤ ለምሳሌ፦ ድንች ~ ድችን፥ ብርጭቆ ~ ብጭርቆ፤ እርሳስ ~ እስራስ፥ soiled ~ solid ፥ left ~ felt ወዘተ፥
    • ለንባብ የሚጠቅሙ የቃላት ምስረታ ህጎችን፥ የቃላትን ግንድ፥ ቅጥያዎችን፥ እና መሰል የስርዓተ-ንባብ ዘዴዎችን ለመገንዘብ እና ለመለየት መቸገር፥
    •  የቃላትን ትክክለኛ ፊደል ቅደም-ተከተል አለመረዳት፤ በመሆኑም በአንድ ገጽ ላይ አንድን ቃል በተለያዩ የፊደላት ቅደም-ተከተሎች መጻፍ፥
    • ድምጽ አውጥቶ ለማንበብ አለመፈለግ፥
    •  በቃላት የሚሰሩ የሒሳብ ስሌቶችን ለመገንዘብ እና ለማስላት መቸገር (ለምሳሌ፦ አበበ አስራ-ሁለት እቁላል አለው፤ሁለት እንቁላል ለእህቱ፥ ሶስቱን ደግሞ ለወንድሙ ቢሰጥ ስንት እንቁላል ይቀረዋል?)፤
    •  ነገሮችን ለማስታወስ መዘግየት ወይም ጨርሶ አለመቻል፥
    • ያነበቡትን ለመረዳት መቸገር፥
    • ዘይቤያዊ ቋንቋን  (ለምሳሌ፦ ተረት እና ምሳሌዎችን (አባባሎች)፥ ስላቅ፥ ቀልድ፥ መደበኛ ያልሆኑ ቃላቶችንና አገላለቶችን (ለምሳሌ የየጊዜው “የአራዳ” ቋንቋ የሚባሉትን)) ለመረዳት መቸገር፥
    • ማቀድ፤ ጊዜን፥ ስራን እና ቁሳቁሶችን አስተካክሎ መቆጣጠር እና መምራት መቸገር፥ወዘተ፥


ዲስሌክሲያ ምርመራ

ዲስሌክሲያ ምርመራ መደረግ ያለበት በዘርፉ በሰለጠኑ ባለሙያዎች ነው። ዲስሌክስያን ሳይረፍድ መለየት እና ተገቢው ድጋፍ ማድረግ ልጆች የንባብ ክህሎቶችን ሳይቸገሩ እንዲለምዱ የተሻለ ዕድሎችን ይሰጣል እንዲሁም ዲስሌክስያ ሊፈጥር የሚችለውን የረጅም ጊዜ ተፅእኖዎችን ለመቀነስ ይረዳል ጥናት የተደገፉ የማስተማሪያ ዘዴዎች በመጠቀም ዲስሌክሲያ ቸውን ልጆች የንባብ ክህሎት እንዲሁም የትምህርት ውጤት ማሻሻል ይቻላል ተገቢም ነው